Pet Radiology

Pet radiology is a vital component of modern veterinary medicine, allowing veterinarians to diagnose and treat various conditions in pets. It is crucial to provide the best possible care for our animal companions.

a dog looking at an x-ray

Gulfshore Animal Hospital:
Where Radiology Meets Compassion

At Gulfshore Animal Hospital, pet radiography is a form of X-ray imaging where digital x-ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film. A significant patient advantage of digital radiography is far less radiation can produce an image superior to conventional radiography. This equates to up to 90% less radiation exposure for your pet and our staff!

Your Pet Inside Out!

pet radiology images

Other Advantages Include:

Time efficiency (bypassing chemical processing) and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images enable digital X-rays to offer immediate image preview and availability, resulting in a faster diagnosis for your pet, which is especially important for pets under anesthesia.
The ability to apply special image processing techniques that enhance the overall display of the image (better image display = equals a more accurate diagnosis).

The convenience of emailing images to veterinary specialists allows quick communication and expert interpretation regarding your pet’s health within minutes of taking the radiographs.

The same diagnostic advantages of our main digital X-ray equipment are incorporated in our state-of-the-art digital dental X-ray unit. This special unit in our dental care suite is used for radiographing teeth. When performing dental procedures, this equipment is invaluable in providing essential information on your pet’s health under the gum line.